CAMALEON  WORLDWIDE   is a privately held  AMERICAN based company, and has traditionally supplied the high-end corporate hospitality and retail industry with leading edge point-of-sale (POS) hardware and software.  CAMALEON USA LLC , is a full service provider of advanced technology support services, system customization, installations, and ongoing systems support and customer education. 

Over the years, the company has grown from a small firm of three people to a full service value added re-seller of point-of-sale hardware and software,  people with direct offices in  MADISON WI  , CHICAGO  IL,  and  HOUSTON  TX, AND WORLDWIDE DISTRIBUITION 

CAMALEON WORLDWIDE   also maintains a dealer network providing coverage throughout  ,PERU  MEXICO ,COLOMBIA ,BRASIL AND  JAPAN .

CAMALEON WORLDWIDE   , is one of the leading distributors in  United States   in restaurants   retail point-of sale systems supporting clients across  the  world .

Philosophy & Approach 

Our success is the culmination of a strategy supported by a sincere belief that strong, progressive growth is the result of relentless commitment to product and service excellence and total customer satisfaction.